What Does Complete Foodservice Management Technology
Look Like in Continuum of Care Communities?




Having all the necessary
or appropriate parts.

Many foodservice systems claim to be “all-in-one" – but what does this really mean? When you choose a fully integrated, end-to-end foodservice solution from MealSuite, you can trust that you’ll be supported in all aspects of your community’s foodservice operations. Here’s an at-a-glance look at what the technology can do to streamline each point in your foodservice, so you can focus on providing the best possible experience for your patients or residents meal after meal.

From independent living to CCRCs to complex acute care, choose the solutions that suit your exact operational needs. Use this interactive guide to see how our solutions can help tie your operation together:

Why choose a complete foodservice management technology?

  • No more juggling multiple systems to cover all your operational needs
  • 100% customizable to your unique community
  • Always have up-to date resident information at your fingertips
  • Keep all critical information in one place (no more guesswork!)

I want to see the technology in action!